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To install the Bitvora Go SDK, use the following command:

go get


1. Initialization

First, you need to create a BitvoraClient instance. You'll need your Bitvora API key and choose either the mainnet or signet network.

package main

import (


func main() {
apiKey := "YOUR_BITVORA_API_KEY" // Replace with your actual API key
client := bitvora.NewBitvoraClient(bitvora.Mainnet, apiKey) // Use bitvora.Signet for testnet

// ... your Bitvora API calls here ...

2. API Calls

The SDK provides methods for various Bitvora API endpoints:

a) Get Balance

Retrieves your Bitvora account balance.

balance, err := client.GetBalance()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Balance: %d sats\n", balance.Data.Balance)

b) Get Transactions

Retrieves a list of your transactions.

transactions, err := client.GetTransactions()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Transactions: %+v\n", transactions.Data)

c) Withdraw Bitcoin

Initiates a Bitcoin withdrawal. Requires amount, currency, destination address, and optional metadata.

amount := 100.50
currency := bitvora.USD
destination := "bc1qxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" // chain address, lightning invoice, or lightning address
metadata := map[string]string{"user_id": "123"}

withdrawal, err := client.Withdraw(amount, currency, destination, metadata)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Withdrawal successful: %+v\n", withdrawal)

d) Estimate Withdrawal Fee

Estimates the fee for a Bitcoin withdrawal before actually initiating it.

amount := 1000.0 // Amount in Bitcoin
currency := "btc"
destination := "bc1qxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

estimate, err := client.EstimateWithdrawal(amount, currency, destination)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Withdrawal estimate: %+v\n", estimate)

e) Create Lightning Invoice

Creates a Lightning invoice.

amount := 1000.0   // Amount in sats
currency := "sats"
description := "Payment for goods"
expirySeconds := 3600 // 1 hour
metadata := map[string]string{"order_id": "12345"}

invoice, err := client.CreateLightningInvoice(amount, currency, description, expirySeconds, metadata)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Lightning Invoice: %+v\n", invoice)

f) Create Lightning Address

Creates a Lightning address.

handle := "my-store"
domain := ""
metadata := map[string]string{"description": "My Lightning Address"}

address, err := client.CreateLightningAddress(handle, domain, metadata)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Lightning Address: %+v\n", address)

g) Create On-Chain Address

Creates a new Bitcoin on-chain deposit address.

metadata := map[string]string{"description": "On-chain deposit"}

address, err := client.CreateOnChainAddress(metadata)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("On-Chain Address: %+v\n", address)

h) Get Deposit

Retrieves details of a specific deposit using its ID.

depositID := "YOUR_DEPOSIT_ID" // Replace with the actual deposit ID
deposit, err := client.GetDeposit(depositID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Deposit details: %+v\n", deposit)

i) Get Withdrawal

Retrieves details of a specific withdrawal using its ID.

withdrawalID := "YOUR_WITHDRAWAL_ID" // Replace with the actual withdrawal ID
withdrawal, err := client.GetWithdrawal(withdrawalID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Withdrawal details: %+v\n", withdrawal)

3. Error Handling

The SDK uses custom APIError struct to represent errors returned by the Bitvora API. This struct contains the HTTP status code and the response body.

if err != nil {
apiErr, ok := err.(*bitvora.APIError)
if ok {
fmt.Printf("Bitvora API error: Status Code=%d, Body=%s\n", apiErr.StatusCode, apiErr.Body)
} else {
log.Fatal(err) // Handle other errors